Organizations, companies, universities and other institutions with
an interest in industrial vision are invited to join a presentation
and demonstration day Wednesday 28 May at DTU. All participants are
welcome to exhibit equipment or posters.
The Industrial Visionday is organised by DTU
DTU Informatics
Richard Petersens Plads, Building 308
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Getting to
DTU Informatics
Conference chair
Jens Michael Carstensen
Ph. +45 4525 3412
jmc 'at'
Registration for the Industrial Visionday can be done here no later than May 10. The registration fee includes participation in the lectures, exhibition, proceedings, refreshments, and lunch.
For members of the Danish Automation Society
(DAu), the
Danish Robotics Society (DIRA),
the Danish Biomedical Society (DMTS),
the Danish Pattern Recognition Society (DSAGM),
the Danish Remote Sensing Society (DSTM), International Game
Developers Association (IGDA)
and Øresund
IT Academy a reduced fee is applicable.
08.00 |
Registration, exhibition, demonstrations, coffee, and rolls |
Session I |
09.00 |
Welcome and introduction |
Vice-rector, Professor Knut Conradsen, DTU |
09.10 |
Opportunities and limitations using low-energy x-ray imaging for
fast on-line food inspection |
Managing director Jørgen Rheinlænder, InnospeXion ApS |
09.40 |
Vision-based spectroscopy - current technologies and future
systems from x-ray to NIR |
Project manager Poul M. Hansen, FOSS |
10.10 |
Poster teasers |
10.30 |
Coffee, exhibition, demonstrations |
Session II |
11.00 |
Uniform light sources, LED and reflection measurements with
integrating spheres |
Managing director Richard Arbus, Laser 2000 |
11.30 |
Eat color - colors in the food industry |
Professor Søren Balling Engelsen, LIFE, University of Copenhagen |
12.00 |
Lunch, exhibition, demonstrations |
Session III |
13.30 |
How can liquid food products be measured with vision? |
R&D engineer Thomas H. Allin, Videometer A/S |
14.00 |
Inspection of meat in the Danish
slaugterhouses |
Claus Borggaard, Danish Meat Research Institute |
14.30 |
New Vision Technology for Multidimensional Quality Monitoring of
Continuous Frying of Meat |
Professor Jens Adler-Nissen, DTU Food |
15.00 |
Coffee, exhibition, demonstrations |
Session IV |
15.30 |
Survey of technologies for multispectral imaging |
Jens Michael Carstensen, DTU Informatics |
16.00 |
Poster prize, discussion, and closing remarks |
Jens Michael Carstensen, DTU Informatics |
16.15 |
Refreshments, exhibition, demonstrations |
17.00 |
The Industrial Visionday ends |
19.00 |
Vision dinner at Hotel Fortunen |
Laser 2000
The list of Visionday posters can be seen
Poster prize is sponsored by

OrganizersJens Michael Carstensen, DTU Informatics, Conference Chair
Henrik Aanæs, DTU Informatics, Program Committee Member
Vesselin Perfanov, DTU Informatics, Student Poster and Beer Chair
Bjørn Dissing and Thomas Mosbech, DTU Informatics, Audio Visuals.