Registration - Visionday 2015

Please register no later than 6 May. If this date has passed, registration is still possible for an extra fee.

First name*
Last name*
Postal address
Postal code and city
Do you wish to bring an exhibition (computer demonstration, banner etc.)?

To help us plan, please check all of your areas of interest below. Except for the dinner there is no extra charge.

Industrial image analysis
Medical image analysis
Technologies for life science
Computer graphics
Dinner (500 DKK, free for speakers)

Membership/academic status:
(e.g. dietary requests)
*Required information.

Registration fees
Normal participants: 1350 DKK (Late: 1550 DKK)
Organization members:
(see the above list)
1150 DKK (Late: 1350 DKK)
University employees: 750 DKK (Late: 950 DKK)
(no fee for students bringing a poster) 
150 DKK (Late: 200 DKK)
Dinner: 500 DKK
Payment to
  • Danske Bank, Reg. No. 4183, Account No. 4263972007
    SWIFT: DABADKKK, IBAN: DK 57 3000 4263972007
Mark the payment "Visionday" and state the name of the participant.

registration disabled